>>11758861Rosa runs to the door with a frown, "Oh no, oh no..OH NO! We're locked in, damnsies! Uggggggggh...."
The girl slides to the floor, "Daaaaang...We won't be able to get out for like, another hour or so..."
"Why's that?" you ask.
"Janitor is here, but he's probably cleaning the offices, and when he does that, he listens to music, and when he does that, he's not listening to the PDA that tells him someone gone and got stuck in his closet again!"
Oh god.
Oh god.
You're going to be stuck in here for an hour with her.
You take a few deep breaths.
Rosa shrugs, and then crosses her legs, "Well, since we're going to be here for a while, we might as well become buddies, right?"
"U-Uh yeah! I mean, please don't mind me for asking, but why did you suck on my face earlier?"
The girl blushes, and begins to fiddle around with her outfit, "O-Oh, um, I-I'm sorry again, t-that's just an old habit from when I was a kid...I was kinda cray-cray..." she says, a giggle accompanied with the end.
That resonates with you for some reason, "Oh really, how 'cray-cray?" you ask.
She laughs again at you keeping up with her, "Kinda murderous crazy. But it was all because I was kinda kooky for this boy, and he wasn't kooky for me, but then he was and then OH MY GOSH he was the cutest little thing! But...but then I had to leave, and we wanted to make things work, but...we just couldn't. And I had to face the hard truth, and, dang...I came back to Unova years later but by then all my craziness kinda subsided and I just became a perky girl with an office job as a kinky receptionist.."