Hi, this is Showderp! Where we root and cheer for a dude dubbed "champ" as he fights against Pokemon Showdowns ladder using Pokemon suggested by you WHILE simultaneously putting the word "Showderp" into the Subject line so people CAN FIND THE THREAD EASIER, YOU CLOD.
If champs current team forgot how to win, he'll call "new team" where the fastest of 6 anons to suggest one individual pokemon at a time will be able to see their mon on champs newest team. If champ herself subjected herself to enough torment, she'll call "new champ" where the fastest trip to claim shall become our newest champ. Calls only count in thread. Don't understand? LURK.
>Subjects:dogars.ml>Subject Matter:https://showderp.booru.org/>Current Champ:dognis lad !hqxpxbmepQ