>>51014700>Diantha is just not as conventionally attractive as Cynthia. People in this have already talked about her haircut, but the prominent nose is not what most people like.I think Diantha would've been fine if not for the retarded wings. Those are the biggest killer in her design desu.
>>51014706There's a lot of factors to Cynthia's popularity.
>First female Champion>Really good and attractive character design>Great musical theme>First Champion with a balanced team>Team is composed of a lot of rare to get Pokemon>Ace is Landshark so it's a massive contrast to her being female>"Hard" when you're the typical casual normalfag player (even now during BDSP, even with forced Amie buffs, you saw lots of people getting BTFO by her)>First Champion of the brand new Generation and DS Game ergo massive exposure when you consider the time it was>Lots of lots of appearances in the anime giving her even more exposureAnd then as a bonus in Platinum she became a little bit more involved into the main storyline.
And then she popped up out of nowhere in BW post-game and she even fought you. And then was brought back for the BW anime too.
People really underestimate how much of a "constant" Cynthia has been for a Pokemon character. I wouldn't put into doubt that this is one of the reasons of why she's so popular to this day.