>>39372975>Like:Each are distinct enough.
Grass starter is really nice getting Torterra vibes
>Dislike:Eh. I've seen a brazen bull done better.
>>39375786>Like:it's basis is communicated well
It's one of the better waifu designs as far as Fakemon go and for that it's pretty memorable.
It's still a fapbait design.
>>39375995>Like:Colors too a great job at communicating it's typing
First stage is decently executed
I feel there's a bit too much going on with final evo. I would personally scale back a few features.
>>39376507>Like: Very simple design
Reminds me of realier gens
>Dislike:Suffers greatly from the problems of early Pokémon designs, color pallette is far too samey. It just ups the blandness of it.
>>39377461>Like: It's cute
Fantastic concept, I've yet to see done. The segemented body is a great take on it.
>Dislike: I'd probably give it more of a mouth. And touch up the art a bit. Commission a Sugimori wanna be and the design would look real.
>>39378185>Like It has personality
An odd but unique color pallette
It's hard to tell what it's supposed to be.
>>39379923Based, but factually wrong. Pic related.