>>55554038EIther Chinese or from boston
>>55554042Vore enthusiast
>>55554052Either black or a furry, maybe both.
>>55554056Either heckin' wholesome guy, or doesn't wipe his ass till it's clean.
>>55554059Has a mustang
>>55554062Absolutely based, but also a fan of maggotgirl
>>55554072Sexual Harassment personified
>>55554082muh gen wun
>>55554090Submissive male
>>55554091Nothing personnel
>>55554096Loves bathing, in a tub, in a lake, wherever.
>>55554225Child Predator
>>55554343Firmly on the spectrum
>>55554383Based retard
>>55554436Child Predator
>>55555813muh gen wun
>>55555828Sided with Andrew Ryan when he played Bioshock
>>55555908Actual cool guy
>>55555911Halloween is a lifestyle
>>55556215Pokefucker (Japan edition)
>>55556231Finger but whole
>>55556304Pokefucker (But I'll let it slide)
>>55556324You played competitive in Gen 4
>>55556362You hate magneton
>>55556482Wholesome (not derogatory)
>>55556871Has bad taste in everything they do