>2005-06>parents have Adelphia or TiVo or DirecTV or whatever; you can record shows & watch stuff on demand; bear in mind Netflix wouldn't be a thing for another ~10 years
>I spend my winter break evenings playing Stadium 2/Colosseum/Gale and binge-ing on weeks of pre-recorded episodes of Johto Journeys>2007-08>got super into sprite comics & flashes>making my own little cartoons in powerpoint>stealing people's sprite OCs and making shitty recolors & splices>discover a website called pokemon2000.com that had all the sprites of DPmons>DP hasn't come out yet and I think I'm some cool badass who knows all the pokemon before anyone else>start making an epic pokemon fanfic starring me and my cousin, and Dawn who had the power to shapeshift into eeveelutions because hurrdurr>I made like 30 of them with my cousin and posted them online somewhere