>>403692472/6 Crobat saves you from bad to passable
>>403692483/6 Gourgiest is cool
>>403692674/6 Nic sneks
>>403692695/6 Not crazy on Spritzee, but very solid taste otherwise
>>403693325/6 Excellent taste
>>403694192/6 Klefki is based though
>>403694583/6 Bland but decent
>>403694722/6 Bland AND medicore
>>403696308/10 Tons of my favourites are here
>>403697860/6 Soi Boi
>>403701424/6 Bland but pretty good overall
>>403704015/6 Not overly attached to Carracosta, but very cool taste
>>403710173.5/5 The .5 was for Cradily
>>403716493/6 Normie taste but I'll take it
>>403716523/6 Neat
>>403716954/6 Pretty good prevos
>>403720413/6 for both
>>403722303/6 It's okay but kinda dull
>>403740252/6 Hippowdon is cool