>>56707509The gyms and raids as systems overall are so outdated, buggy and begging for a complete overhaul it's not even funny. And they JUST managed to break raids and make them worse than ever.
There is NO reason for raids to interact with gyms at all. Just give everyone the +2 balls to throw to everyone regardless of gym colors. Shadow raids don't even account for the gym color, so what gives. So fuck it, make gyms available at all times and raids a separate feature that doesn't block gym activity.
Golden Razz should have diminishing returns like other berries
Gyms should have another function besides the stupid daily coin chore. Maybe... I don't know... TRAINING your Pokémon? You know, the little thing the franchise is built upon and which this game doesn't have.
And I could go on and think of many ideas to make this game exciting and fair to play, but let's be honest, 5 years from now gyms are still going to have that glitch that reverts to your previous battle team, avatars are going to remain pozzed and Arceus still won't be in the game.