But an even bigger problem arises not even five seconds into his agony. Loud, buzzing noises that catch his attention. Pausing, fear welling up in his body, Beartic turns around.
"BEEDRILLBEEDRILLBEEDRILLBEEDRILLBEEDRILLBEEDRILL"The humiliated Beartic is chased all the way back into the arctic by the Beedrills. Somebody is going to pay for this.
"Why are you so interested in me loving 'poppy'? Oh goodness, don't tell me-- did he put you up to this?"
Alice shakes her head, but Serena still has her doubts. It definitely seems like something he would do. The nerve of him, "N-No, no, no!~ I just wanted 'tah know if poppy and mum-mum would love each other forever and ever and ever, that's all!~"
"But why are you interested in that?"
"Ummmm~ I forget!~"
"If that's what you say."
The pursuit for smogonchicken continues in silence as Serena returns to focusing on the streets. No longer will any Christmas decorations fall victim to Furfrou's decaying, stampeding paws.
But then Alice tugs at Serena's skirt, this time she looks more worried than happy.
"Yes, Alice?"
"Y-You're not gonna br-break p-poppy's heart, a-are ya mum-mum?"A) "That solely depends on how gud he is."
B) "Not willingly, no. Are you sure he didn't put you up to this?"
C) "I don't really have a choice here, do I?"
D) "We'll cross that bridge when we get to it, Alice."
E) "Is he going to cry if I do?"