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Checked catalog and don't see one. Time to rev up that autism, /vp/!
>Normal, Status
>Removes all stat buffs on the target
>Fighting, Physical, 30bp, +3 priority
>If the target is using a priority move, cancels the move and deals double damage. Fails if the foe moves faster than the user.
>Quill Darts
>Flying, Physical, 20bp
>Hits 2-5 times
>Poison, Special, Varied BP, Varied Effect
>Brews up a toxin with various effects. Causes damage between 30 and 100bp, has a 50% chance of causing any volatile status (Psn, Bad Psn, Brn, Frz, Par, Slp)
>Bad Breath
>Poison, Status, 70% acc
>Lowers a random stat -2. Targets both opponents.
>Sand Geyser
>Ground, Physical, 90bp, chance to flinch
>Ground-type version of Waterfall
>Boulder Guard
>Rock, Status
>Places a rock wall in front of the user's team that remains upon switching out. Absorbs damage up to 50% of user's HP. Does not block status.
>Silk Stream
>Bug, Special, 65bp
>Deals damage to all Pokemon on the field. Has a 50% chance to lower Speed -1.
>Ghost, Special, 50bp
>Ghost-type draining move
>Iron Maiden
>Steel, Physical, 30bp
>Steel-type trapping move (like Sand Tomb)