Quoted By:
>What gender do you play as?
My own gender, so a girl ever since Crystal made it possible
>How did you name your trainer?
I always use my own name
>How do you pick which pokemon to raise?
Back when I was younger/still a kid I totally took everything that things like the Anime and the "Ultimate Pokemon Handbook" said to heart. So when supplemental materials always preached HAVE A DIVERSE TEAM USE DIFFERENT TYPES RAISE LOTS OF KINDS OF POKEMON! I took that as the gospel truth and would worry that I'd "lose" the game if I had two Pokemon of the same type. I ALWAYS have just used my favourite Pokemon no matter how weak or strong, but through the RBY and GSC era I had a lot of variety. I eased up as I got older and realized that I could still win battles anyway, and just used only my favourite Pokemon. I don't care that my Diamond team has three fighting types or my upcoming Moon team will have two Grass and two Fairy so far......I just want to have fun with my bros.
>Do you nickname your Pokemon?
>How often do you replay/restart your games?
I always have both versions, and one is my "Main" game that I play through, do all the post game, complete the Dex, have my dedicated team of Lv 100 diehard-love bros, and will never ever delete. The second version is the one that I will restart new games for fun when I want to go through the story again, use different Pokemon, try out themed stuff, etc.
>Do you play with self imposed challenges?
I've done Nuzlockes before
> How focused are you on competitive?
I understand all the ins and outs but have never dabbled in it hardcore. I've raised/bred powerful teams for competitive battling among my friends, and I've participated in two bigger tournaments (placed 8th and 5th overall) but I'm more about just having fun.