>>38756129(2/3) Well like I said it fits with my personality. But really all I want is the ability to make a few choice people immortal and bring life to their own dreams. Lazily shape the world and leave a lasting impact every time that week comes around while remaining immortal myself, so that I can witness the universe constantly altering in front of my closed eyes. However, I'm not a sadist, so lets work around some of these godawful drawbacks.
>Sleep Talk>Future Sight>Double Team>SnoreThis is where things become less solidified and more conceptual. Lets assume for balance issues that we cannot grant wishes to keep ourselves awake. The goal is to find at least 1 trusted companion which we make immortal, and now when we go to sleep we can use Sleep Talk. We can continue to communicate like this, and although we're still completely paralyzed and unable to enjoy almost all of what normal people can in exchange for these incredible powers, talking will allow us to form bonds and discuss further necessary wishes for the next week. Also in the dex it says if we're attacked, we can fight without awakening and protect them with Snore.
Future Sight however is there to allow us to literally see into the future and make attacks or plans of action ahead of time, further protecting from the listed threats you and your companion will be dealing with for the next 1000 years. We're going to be fucking prepared. Earthquakes? Meteors? Even possible betrayals for selfish wishes? Not happening, fuckers.
Finally we have Double Team. To be honest, I don't know if it counts, but lets imagine you can use Double Team to make an illusionary copy of your image. Get that image, which isn't technically you, to wish itself into a real Jirachi. Now wish that Jirachi to be identical to yourself but without your sleeping limitations. Boom. You've played by the rules and yet destroyed everything.