>>16207451http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jc0VkmYO-ZQIt's over.
It's finally over.
Grant has been defeated and you are naked and you have a big damn boner flailing out in front of all of Grant's fans...and the one and only Hulk fucking Hogan.
Admittedly you had your doubts, you assume that everyone's going to point and laugh at you because you're fucking naked and your phallus is ripe for a fapping teenager at your age.
But for once in your stupid life,
nobody laughs.
You enter the winner's circle to a brazillion cheers from the crowd. Intrigued by the sounds, Miss removes her blindfold to gawk at the sudden praise, "Calem... You won?"
"....Why are you naked?"
"Why am I riding on your back if you're naked?"
"Calem, this is incredibly indecent."
"I-I k-know..."