>>30876341The whole point of Lillie in the game was that she was all alone. She met Kukui and became self-independent (cleaned his house). When you met her in the game, she wasn't even scared of Pokémon, she just hated battling.
In the anime, she's a glass ojou-sama who can't even touch a Pokémon and HAS A BUTLER. Butlers cost money, so who's paying for the Butler? Sure as hell not Lusamine since Lillie was SUPPOSED to have ran away from Aether with Nebby.
The only thing that makes sense is that this is Lillie BEFORE Lusamine became evil. She'll later break into Aether with Ash to rescue Nebby, then we'll be at "start of game" Lillie.
But it's the anime, so who knows what the hell they are doing.