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0.243.0 includes new IV search terms. You'll know if you have this version if candies appear mostly white on the Pokémon catch results screen.
"attack", "defense", and "hp" now let you check Pokémon by the number of bars they fill in the appraisal screen, by prefixing the term with a 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4.(e.g. 4attack).
These numbers also support ranges like some other terms. (e.g. 0-3attack).
Note that the spelling "defence" is not accepted, as opposed to the term "favorite" which also accepts "favourite".
>4attack & 3*
Shows 3 star Pokémon with 15 attack, will not display 4 star Pokémon with perfect IVs
Can display a minimum IV of 7 for defense or HP, when IVs total at least 82%.
>!4* & 4attack & 3-4 defense & 3-4 hp
Shows Pokémon with 15 attack, and 11-15 defense and HP, but hides Perfect Pokémon (up to 98%)
Works similarly to just using 3*, but won't show IVs below 11, and attack must be 15
>0attack & 3-4defense & 3-4hp
Shows PvP viable Pokémon with 0 attack, and defense/HP IVs ranging from 11 to 15
>0-1attack & 3-4defense & 3-4hp
Shows PvP viable Pokémon with attack IVs ranging 0 to 5, and defense/HP IVs ranging from 11 to 15
>0attack & 0defense & 0hp
Shows Pokémon with 0 IVs, also known as 0% or "nundo"
The term 0* only shows zero star Pokemon which may have IVs ranging from 0 to 15
>4attack & 4defense & 4hp
Alternative to 4* for showing Perfect Pokémon, not necessary
>!3* & 3attack & 3defense & 3hp
Shows Pokémon who have 11+ IVs, but whose totals don't reach 3 star appraisal.
>!3* & !4* & 3-4attack & 3-4defense & 3-4hp
Functionally identical to the above term, as 2 star Pokémon with an IV floor of 11, would reach 3 star appraisal if at least one of their IVs was 15.
>3* & 0-3attack & 0-3defense & 0-3 HP
Shows 3 star Pokémon that lack 15 IV in any of their stats.
Note that trying "!4attack" does not work, and 0-3 attack must be used instead.
>4hp & hp200-
Shows Pokémon with 15 HP IV, and a max HP stat over 200
"4hp200-" is not valid.