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Sharon was found after getting booted from a Pawniard pack because she wasn't serious or formal enough to be a part of it. Sharon AKA Pawniard #23 was an oddball perfectionist, usually wasting time to fix things over and over again until a little voice in her head said it was right, as she told White(I'll call my trainer White, but she's named after me in-game). Sharon often drifted the lines between hysterical, comedic, and queerly prophetic. The Bisharp leader, called The Boss, ordered her to be thrown from the pack and was dropped into the grass of Route 9 like the rest of the rejects.
Sharon was caught on March 12 by White and her Lilligant with Magical Leaf and Sleep Powder. A normal Pokeball was used.
Sharon quickly became a major player to the team due to her typing, nice Attack stat, and her Defiant personality, which caused her to outlaw most her opponents. Sharon was able to be herself around White's team of Unova Pokemon, including the modest Lilligant that creamed her, front-woman Daphni. Sharon helped Harley the Haxorus beat Drayden and evolved while training with Audinos on Route 10. To this day, Sharon still tries to make sure all of her attacks land perfectly. She even learned Brick Break to teach Grimsley and Ghetsis'(who she kindly tried to flip off) Bisharps who's boss. She still holds a strong rivalry with Grimsley's, particularly because they're both girls. Whenever the team goes to Iccirus city, she joins in on the dancing to "make a call to Zekrom, the should-be Dark Dragon".
At the moment, Sharon travels around Unova in the National Team along with Daphni the Lilligant, Marcus the Gallade(who's like her brotha from anotha motha), Harly the Haxorus, DoReMi the Dodrio, and Mirage the Milotic. She still remembers the days when the team was made of all girls... until DoReMi and Marcus came along. And Mirage, but she's a girl, too.