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Due to hearing problems and weird interests I had issues making friends as a kid, it was hard to relate to others and follow conversations, I preferred to spend time with animals or by myself, in the pokemon world that wouldn't change. I'd probably find ditto out in the woods by my house disguised as a pidgeot or other large fully evolved flying type that'd catch my interest, trying to blend into the area and look tough enough that other pokemon wouldn't bother it since it's not great in battles. I'd slowly approach in wonder, tell it not to be afraid/back off if it looked like it might flee or attack, leave it berries, then just sit back to observe. After a while of watching and not disturbing it, it'd hopefully see me as less of a threat and when the sun is setting and it's time to go home I'd thank it for hanging out with me and that I hope we get to do that again soon. I'd tell my family about the really cool bird pokemon I saw and ask if I can have extra snacks for it tommorow. After a few weeks of slowly bonding it'd be storm season (seemed like it was always storm season in Florida) and worried about my friend in the severe weather I'd ask my parents if they could stay with us, thinking it was either imaginary or just a pidgey they'd humor me and say yes and I'd head out to find it and ask if it'd like to come stay with me. When we got back my parents would be pretty shocked and try to let us down easy that no, we can't just keep a wild pokemon like that, it's too big/dangerous. We'd look at each other and after a moment ditto would get an idea and turn into it's normal form, confident that it can trust me and my parents would be more comfortable. I'd be surprised but as a pokemon lover and already its friend I'd accept it no problem, and my parents would give in because it's not like I have many friends. From then on we'd be inseparable, supporting each other when people expect us to be something we're not or say we're no good at things we like to do.