>>39021719>I'm not seeing the "plethora of reasons."Gen 7 has -
Regular NPC's with IV's in the 25-30 range
Regular NPC's have EV's on their Pokemon (usually at least one +252 in a key stat)
Named important NPC's like the Kahuna's, Guzma, Hau etc all have Hexaperfect IV's, literal competitive EV spreads (+252 in two key stats), optimal natures, optimal abilities and solid movesets. Guzma's Masquerain got buffed during gen 7 giving it more speed and sp.atk, it has +252 EV's in speed, +252 Ev's in Sp.atk, is modest, has intimidate and has a good spread of moves covering everything besides steel types.
Totems are harder than gyms and totem pokemon are also max IV'd across the board, have +252 EV's in certain stats as well as being able to call other highly IV'd/Ev'd pokemon making it a 2 vs 1.
Most Alolan Pokemon are slow as shit but most NPC's will have pokemon with EV'd speed which is why most will outspeed you every single time even if you're using the same pokemon as them.
>>39021732>Name one example.Name one example of what? Receiving items? Nigger bianca is constantly giving you items.
>You're backpedaling.Quote what I'm backpeddling from.
>>39021737>do you rely on other people for all your opinionsImagine getting BTFO then crying your eyes out about it.
I make my own mind up about shit, the reviews agreeing with me are just the cherry on top showing that most people despise gen 5 for being the piece of shit it is.