New thread!
ITT: Share and exchange friendcodes and explore various Friend Safaris.
> I'm new to these threads and don't know what pokemon are in my Safari.- Ask for someone to help check for you. If no one helps, try again later. Most people will be willing to help.
>What is the standard process in these threads?- In your posting name:
"IGN/Nick" "friendcode" "Safari Type + Your three Safari 'mons"
-When adding someone, reply to the Anon stating that you're adding them so they can add you back.
-If you're looking for a specific Safari and/or pokemon, state it in your post.
-When adding someone, make sure you are both online in-game at the same time so the third pokemon in each Safari registers in each game. If not, you will only be able to encounter two of the three pokemon. This can be confirmed if all three slots when choosing a Safari have a grey pokeball, and that the trainer pic is visible, not just a grey silhouette.