>>48454568>AmberTeam - Camerupt, Arcanine, Flareon, Chandelure, Blaziken, Aevian Toxtricity (Fire/Poison).There's a very amusing way to setup this fight where you can drag her to the ocean and the battle underwater, which basically kills her entire team. I can't do that easily on a nuzlocke, but she's still pretty easy.
Kuonji leads and Parting Shots on Camerupt to Roosevelt, slamming it with a very weakened Surf thanks to the volcano. She swaps on the second to Flareon, which is perfect. I pivot to Magcargo through Kuonji, it only has Fire attacks/Toxic so I set up Shell Smash on a Pecha Berry healing Toxic. I anticipate a switch, she goes Chandelure so I Hidden Power and Earth Power it. She sends in Arcanine, who tries to Bulldoze, but because of the volcano eruptions from Earth Power and Bulldoze/Magcargo's Magma Armor my defenses have been steadily increasing and I easily live it. I decide to risk it (don't super need Mag after this battle) and go for another Shell Smash, and another Bulldoze brings me to 2 HP. I kill Arcanine, Camerupt, Blaziken I know always Protects turn 1 for Speed Boost so I Shell Smash again and obliterate it with Hidden Power, Toxtricity and Flareon are footnotes.
8 badges down, not even halfway done.
>>48454636There's difficulty settings in Radical Red, Easy allows for items/Shift mode, along with some easier team comps, dumber AI, etc. Still pretty hard of course.
Fire Red Nameless is also fairly high quality, but there's a lot of shit FR hacks. Last Fire Red also does what you're looking for but it's a bit more...clunky to say the least.