>>47763698You like "cool" and "badass" Pokemon. Super standard taste.
>>47763742Very similar to the previous one. Lots of fan favorites and coolmons.
>>47763759Strange list, not sure how I feel about this. Some really good picks like Sigilyph, Venomoth and Chandelure but also really bad ones like Gloom, Numel and Poliwhirl. Probably the first time I've seen a Carbink in one of these collages.
>>47763917Best one so far, I'm really feeling this list. Bonus points especially for Falinks, Shedinja and Dusclops.
>>47764074Decent. Not much else to say. Reshiram is one of the worst Dragon-types out there, easily the worst pick you have there.
>>47764219Very standard, mostly /vp/ approved favorites (Crobat, Heracross, Gardevoir, Flygon, Scizor etc.)
>>47765928You choose your favorites with your dick
>>47766706Good list with a nice mix of cute, cool and "neutral" Mons. Second favorite in the thread.