>>21979203We go south of it, get to the town Milky Village -- "Home of the finest and freshest milk!" -- and the two grunts from earlier find me again, battle me again, and the Captain battles me again. His Steelix is the same level as last time and I end up beating it without hax.
He's ready to attack me again, when a man named Neil steps in and drives them off.
I'm thanked for holding off the grunts long enough and told to go to a couple's farm to get a reward.
There's a fence that you have to unlatch to get to the farm.
If you say "no" to opening the gate, the game crashes.
Gonna call it a night. It's not a big deal that it crashes because I had a state saved, but I need to stop anyway.
Please someone keep the thread from being pruned like it has the last few nights.>>21979226Hmm, considering that all the items from Gen IV onward are coded into the games but some are nonfunctional, I have to ask, is the tradition Gen II-V Exp. Share functional? If it is, you could just give the player that instead of the massively broken one and give said broken one during the postgame.