mono-colour wasn't intentional at first but i doubled down on it after i noticed. regardless, time for me to do what i'm worst at - making accurate assessments of people
>>43751588you'd really prefer it if people minded their own business
>>43751753you aren't too concerned about traditionally "fitting in" - if you live life how you want to, you know you'll find other people who will accept you
>>43752027you're the practical type, taking orders or giving orders both sound like a nightmare to you
>>43752291you're pretty easy to get along with. some people find that you can be a bit predictable at times, but it's better than being somebody you can't rely on
>>43752440you've always stood out a bit, but never in a negative way. you can certainly bring a bit of life to a party, even if it's not the sort of energy most people would expect
>>43752976you aren't one for big surprises - you can appreciate the unpredictability of life at times, but you'd rather things played out as you expect them to
>>43753031you've always been confident in yourself, without quite veering into having an inflated ego