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Are you tired of lurking in Gen/vp/ threads and feeling like you can't contribute? Do you wish you could enhance the Gen/vp/ experience despite your limited skillset?
YOU, yes YOU, can be a titan of game development FROM THE COMFORT OF YOUR OWN HOME. All you need is any form of drawing software and two minutes of your time. Gen/vp/ needs footprints for it's Pokémon and you could be the one who creates them. All real Pokémon have footprints, from Bulbasaur to Zygarde, and by creating footprints for Gen/vp/ your contribution will go down in HISTORY as an OFFICIAL aspect of the over 220 Pokémon contained in this LANDMARK fan-game.
It's simple. Save the picture attached to this post which shows the footprint of Foliat, Uroboros Pokédex number 001, open it in ANY drawing software, and let your imagination run wild. Will you be the creator of Chillnobyls icy slug trail? Will you be the inventor of Hurricanines electric paw-print? YOU DECIDE.