>>44217009>>44222587I'm sure I'm going to hate this. Also, didn't mention it, but for at least this run I'm doing checkpoints between the gyms. This is a somewhat blind playthrough (last time I played Rejuv was when the water gym leader was the final boss? which is probably the toughest boss i've ever fought in a pokemon game)
Anyway, starting this piece of shit, forgot how much story this game dumps on you. Froakie ended up being a great choice, did reset a few times for a decent one with good IVs/Nature (I know, I know, but trust me, this game will pay me back in full). found a rare candy on the ship at the beginning of the game, which allowed me to learn bubble and trounce amaria's litten and ren's level 5 froakie with my level 7 one after levelling up. this oughtta be good