so... I just added Beats to the 'Ground E4' page. If it makes you feel better He's pretty much "Beats in name only".
Here's the concept I posted in case anyone want's to improve on it/discuss it before the deadline.
>inb4 Sandy/Muddy, I love them too but I also kindof like this new, less cartoony concept for Beats. Beats: DJ, Runs an underground club, Uses ground types to drop an earthshaking baseline.
Not your average DJ, Beat's won't settle for anything less than extreme and his passion for music causes him to push the artistic envelope at every chance he gets. Experiencing a terrifying earthquake as a child, he was inspired by the awesome sound and fury of the earth. He runs an underground night club and harnesses the power of ground type monsters to create earth shattering baselines to pulse through his music.
Design: ask /mu/
Inspired by: (pic related), it's a Sizmograph invented in Asia over 2000 years ago.