Quoted By:
>On battle spot, come across some jap
>His team is very non-standard so I figure he's going to be interesting at least
>He leads with Lele and I lead with Heatran, because people always seem to lead with Lele
>He quickly switches out to Azumarill
>Switch to Saur as he belly drums, KO with Giga Drain
>He sends out Lele again
>I send out Heatran to tank a psychic
>Surprisingly I outspeed Lele despite no speed investment but it lives the Flash Cannon
>Take a Focus Blast to the face and barely hold on due to the assvest
>He switches to Porygon2 while I shoot again, only to do scratch damage to his big fat wall
>Send out Mamoswine to knock off his Eviolite, but die to a critical hit Foul Play
>Send out Venusaur and he pulls out Trick Room, and we go on for about 20 minutes back and forth with ice beams and sludge bombs, with me eventually poisoning him to help keep up pressure
>Eventually he sends in Lele after setting Trick Room back up, and I realize that if my Heatran managed to outspeed them, their Lele must have minimum speed
>But now that we're under trick room I might be able to underspeed them since my Venusaur is Relaxed
>Take the chance and click Giga Drain
>Lele fucking dies
>Salty Jap DQs during the attack animation
>Autistically go back to Pokemon Refresh just to feed the Venusaur a Rainbow Bean because I feel like he earned that, then keep battling