A peaceful night so far. I guess is fine. A calm night is 10 times better than an lively one. Besides, this place has been lively.
>>56394367These tunes surely helped pass the time. Good songs.
>>56394546This took me a while, but it was a fun read. Emily surely is cruel in her "interrogation" methods, but I guess is fine Arai and Mari remind her to take the slow approach. At least is easy to clean her mess that way. On the flip side, I'm 100% sure she would jump, scream, and laugh like a kid if she were in a sealed off room with no outside way to see into it. She totally enjoyed sending that robot to space.
>>56394703Now that's a badass toad
>>56395016F for kitty. Be happy you got to share her life with yours. She will be missed.
Well, back to the grind. Non burger, out.