>>56321576>tqi don't think there's much i'd change about bibi's design, she is supposed to be in a school uniform so there was only so many things i could do to keep her recognizably a naranja student, and pink was one of the few secondary colors not claimed by another member of the core cast, but i think i would swap out ribombee for lokix to drive home her heroism schtick given its based on kamen rider protagonists and would have worked great alongside palafin which represents western superheroes, but i've gotten too attached to her team/their lore to swap anyone out at this point
>ttgrym ft alto's shoulder pads, sleeve garters, and big clunky boots! sorry if it looks weird, i'm working on a new system and adjusting all my art program stuff is a hassle
>>56326691i really like the lore so far! while i know i mentioned the untucked shirt i love the leaf ahoge too
>>56330479fuck yeah brother, as far as mouse art goes i have little experience, but if anyone remembers the mesmerizer parody i made a while back it was made almost entirely using the line tool, which i think makes for a pretty interesting aesthetic and is worth messing around with
>>56335096your cards are always really cute and soulful, i really need to get off my ass and make my own submissions before the deadline rolls around...