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Plus catching is fucked now.
>Weedle Caterpie Rattata and Pidgey average anywhere between 2-5 pokeballs depending on CP
>Run into CP 1404 Golem, Geodude are pretty much nonexistent in this town I need this
>Razz Berry
>Go to bag again to use as many Razz Berries as possible before throwing because I don't wanna relive the nightmare I had with Porygon last week where it fled after one berry and one Ultra Ball
>They don't allow you to use another Berry right away, it literally doesn't appear in your bag, even though I've done this countless times with much lower CP pokemon
>Fuck it here we go
>Toss an Ultra Ball
>The circle is red but tiny which is better than wide
>The pokemon broke out!
>The fucking thieving bastard stableboy disappeared in a puff of smoke that now represents the scattered pieces that once were your life
Whores whores whores