>>45296202Your "friend" is either not your friend, a newfie to Go, or an absolute retard. Oh well.
>1.Play pvp. No, it doesn't matter that you suck. Season 4 is ending next week so just play, losses are unlikely to matter since you won't be rated without 200~ wins.
>3.Lugia was announced and has a special move available, conversely darkrai is seeing its third release, second with its shiny available, and it has a signature attack that isn't available yet so people are holding their coin on that.
Typically you just need 3 other high level/non midget accounts to clear level 5 bosses at this point in Go's life. It used to be true that you needed a dozen people to have a shot, but power creep has made lowmanning raids commonplace.
If you add random people from the OP link to your friends list (or wherever), you can build up friendship bonuses which end up at an instant 50k and 100k experience dump after ~3 months of interactions, those are the best way to farm experience as far as I know without burning raid passes and adding tons of fresh randoms on pokeraid or something.
though that's still abusing friendship bonuses.