>>48184555Unfortunately the first run did die to something I hilariously didn't really expect. In order to get Poliwag on Route 22, you have to run through some grass to get to the body of water where it's found, and I ended up running into a Mankey. Cue reset, as Brock is a lot less fun without Poliwag.
With Poliwag on attempt 2, Brock is still annoying. Peeki takes out Geodude, then Sye takes out Omanyte and Kabuto. I land one Mega Drain on Rhyhorn and then swap to Bovi on Flamethrower, taking it out. Incoming Onix tries to Dig, so I swap back to Sye to take it and land a Mega Drain which activates Sitrus Berry but Effect Spores it to sleep. Then Brock swaps out and actually sends in Vulpix. This annoying fuck managed to land 7 Hypnosis's, didn't miss one, while spamming Confuse Ray and Substitute, but I swapped around and got it low enough that he swapped back to Onix who was taken out by Sye. Then Bovi took out Vulpix.
Not quite sure how I'll handle Zapdos/Raikou yet, I likely will only catch them in postgame if I decide to do the second Elite 4 round.
>>48184556Great job! F for Hematite
>>48182134And also F for the Gothita. Always funny how the actual bosses can be easy and then stupid shit besides can so readily claim mons.
>>48184720I want to attempt it at some point.
>Wondering if it's even possible as nuzlockeIf Emerald Kaizo, Radical Red Hardcore and Reborn are all possible nuzlockes I'm sure Inclement is too.
The real question is will the even harder Insane mode be possible whenever he releases that.