>>45036169>The show and games can't really show this kinda thing as TPC and Game Freak have rules they have to follow and they can't have Pokemon talking or acting human without a special reason besides meowth.Here's the source for this by the way. This is an assumption so take it with a grain of salt: I think its really hard for people in general to imagine Pokemon speaking like regular people because we don't see it enough. Due to this rule the writers of the games and anime have to be very careful with what they are allowed to show with this. Wanna have a Pokemon talk? Its gotta be the start of a movie and have telepathy or be a dream entity, it can't just be a common thing because they want it to be a special occasion. So its basically ingrained in our minds that a Pokemon shouldn't be able to speak by all accounts of logic and reasoning, but they probably would if this rule wasn't in play.
>>45036306Hm interesting, I'll look for the exact quote soon. It might shed some light on that take. Cause the anime has shown otherwise a handful of times with Ash asking Pikachu questions and Pikachu fully understanding said question and responding. I distinctly remember ash asking Pikachu in the B&W series that went somehthing like
>Ash: Hey Pikachu, Team Rocket told me something weird.... What were you doing in a box when they found you?>Pikachu: *Starts explaining what happened in Pikachu speak and miming"So I don't know, the canons are all kindsa weird. I can't speak for the games, because unless you count Pokemon Mystery Dungeon there's really not a lot of Humans really talking with Pokemon... so?