Finished my last battle just now. Ended up winning 26/30; one opponent disconnected, wich didn't shpw up as a win for me, so it might be 25/29. Rating was 1739 after battle 29, lost battle 30 though. Pretty mad.
For some reason I literally only fought japs today and one of them even twice.
What bums me out is that everyone seems to have connections errors but the japs, apparently.I had a lot of fun on day 1 and 2. Day 3 not so much, because literally all 9 players I fought had a TR team and stalled the shit out of the battle timer. No creative sets, action or anything.
Anyway, here's the team I used if anyone's interested.
> mainly used Leafeon, Sylveon and Espeon for my lead and had Flareon in the back. Used Umbreon twice and Jolteon once, but they weren't much of a help.