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This did not go well.
Two separate Sigilyphs struck. The first one was fully on me, somehow not putting Eviolite on Joey before the fight. I had a plan for the N one, but a Crit ended up leading to me losing Joey, who was going to be the cornerstone of my strategy against Elesa, unsurprisingly.
After considering the use of literal garbage, I elected for a much better plan.
Led with Kerry to either take out an Emolga, or get a hit in on both of them, use Bob to pivot into Corky who can then take them both down with Aqua Jet. (Well, the original plan was to get in at full HP if needed so he can take a hit with Sturdy instead)
Bad damage rolls led the latter Emolga to survive and take Corky out.
The Emolga was taken out safely with Mickey somewhere during the fight, leaving just Zebstrika to be beaten. Mickey failed to get a clean KO with Dig, at which point I chose to switch instead of going for a second Dig despite knowing a heal was coming, which was a mistake.
From here, Nate got Paralyzed by Spark, Sarah got Paralyzed by Spark, missed Will-o-Wisp and lost a damage roll, leading to her premature redeath. While it didn't ultimately matter, Bob also got Paralyzed by Spark for the 100% consistency.
Bob continues to prove his worth by just taking hits. I might've been able to keep Sarah alive if I believed in his bulk.
The run lives, but it's not ideal. At least Bob can hopefully beat Clay's Excadrill.