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Last night's haul. I was intent on hunting out a moon ball Pawinard so I planned on making a steel sandwich. I decided to go check out my auctions for balls first and found my second shiny murkrow out side the port town. This time I had a moon ball to reset and catch it.
I then, after no apriballs at the auction went to the river shore off of the desert. First sandwich presents two Orthworms, which were new shinies to me and then in my last minutes a to be Queen Gambit. So I put that in a great ball and decided to re sandwich to go looking for my moon ball Kingambit. Next sandwich provides me a male Pawinard in the first ten minutes. Crit catch it in a moon ball so no reseting and I keep my sandwich. This gives me a chance to check my dex and target what other steel types I'm interested in. Go to the northeast to target Tinkatuff. I arrive and she's waiting. I crit captured it in my last dream ball. So I can use the last ten minutes to look for another steel fairy for a buddy. No luck, but two apriball crit captures one shiny sandwich is pretty awesome.
Thanks for listening to my rant, good luck hunting /shw/!