Bloodbath over here in Sinnoh. First off, Gale died on the way to Celeste Town to the Gyarados/Raichu double-battle. We were rebuilding a bit to adjust the team for defensive type-coverages: we added Octavia the Octillery, T. Swift the Pikachu, and Gloom the Croagunk. Anyways, after training for Fantina, her Mismagius fucked our shit. Her Psybeam and Shadow Ball wiped the floor with out team, killing Tarrasque, Gloom, and Octavia. It took some luck that Mismagius suddenly stopped spamming Shadow Ball and opted to use Magical Leaf on San Andreas while we were Leech Seeding her. The Gengar went down pretty easily after that. Rebuilding, we readded Goopa, added Sherman the Shieldon, and we'll keep the last slot open for the time being.
>>53953966Good job getting through Tata & Liza, that fight fucks me every time. Especially with Plusle and Volbeat.
>>53953410Congrats! Platinum can be a real killer.
>>53951838Anchors or not, you got the dub, so congrats!
>>53948558Lots of winning going on this thread, so congrats to you as well! Ghetsis is genuinely really hard, so losses or no, we take those wins. Archeops is a top 5 favorite Pokémon of mine, so I'm always happy to see it winning. Shame that you lost you starter right at the end, that happened to me in Diamond too.