>>55980776I mean smogon has acknowledged Wo-Chien as viable in AG for awhile. It's probably the best check to calyrex-S, right? Fucking stall though, it's always fucking stall lmao. Why did Game Freak create Dondozo, Clodsire, Regenerator, and Heavy Duty Boots? The greatest irony is that all of Game Freak's updates really do have a much greater impact on smogon formats more than the official format lol.
>>55981054They do have tournaments for AG though, but it's an "unofficial" ladder so it won't count towards badges/trophies/etc, it's obviously less prestigious than "official" tiers. There was actually some kind of AG ladder tournament recently too, after that guy did his ladder peak, but it's over now, so he missed an opportunity to potentially duel with some ladder tournament players. I don't even have a smogon account btw, I just find it interesting to follow sometimes. It's a fact though that the AG ladder is very fraudulent. That's fine of course, not every ladder needs to be full of tryhards.