>>48996788>In regards to color scheme, ORAS Roxanne's grey dress is not only more fitting with her rock type specialty, it's also a much more pleasing neutral color that better highlights her pink accents as opposed to the clashing pink and blue of RSE Roxanne.While the Grey coloring does go better with the rock typing. Roxanne's skirt is designed far differently than in the original games, It's now much larger in comparison to the original which causes her to come off as much less modest which while by itself isn't necessarily a bad thing, Roxanne in the original games is much more modest as in the match call her self introduction in emerald reads "A leader of a big Gym bears a lot of responsibility" and in Ruby and Sapphire "Through battling, I want to learn all about Pokémon" The way she conducts herself in the remakes through her pose, What she wears and how she acts is a far cry from how she was originally portrayed. Which would be fine if she was a separate character. But she isn't. It makes it seem that she doesn't take the Job of being a gym leader nearly as seriously. Meanwhile the simplistic attire of the original roxanne makes her come off as more mature overall. The original design is much better suited to what her personality was meant to be than the new design which completely misses the point on her design. It doesn't help the fact that she's looks much frailer in the remakes while in the original game she looks much stronger mainly due to being a lot more stalky. While the new design does have merits, It's strays far away from the original intended character of roxanne by being too flashy.