this could've been so much more annoying
whiteouts: 136
i was expecting to have to do something insanely fucked to stop the mimikyu from using trick room while also preventing indeedee from raping me with expanding DONG but aerodactyl just got lucky with rock slide flinch on the mimikyu kek. then the quizshit gave aerodactyl a huge boost and from there, gg
i LOVE rock slide bros it's the BEST move ever
>>56257178i think rejuv's plot up until the volcano admins is fine, obviously the whole melia death fakeout is really heavy handed, and there's a lot of dumb moments, and the whole schizo manor sequence is pretty retarded, but it feels like it's setting up something
then act 2 is just where the game goes off the rails and turns into half sony moviegame/half quirky undertale earthbound project with no real focus half the time and abhorrent gameplay sequences where nothing happens or you spend time with the most annoying fucking faggots