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I'm around for half a hour before I go to work, but here are the leftovers from last weeks breeding shenanigans:
Furfrou: random 5IV, Impish, pokeball, plenty of males and females
Petilil: random 5IV, Modest, quickball, two own tempo, four chlorophyll
Vulpix: random 4IV, Timid, quickball, two males, drought HA
Minccino: random 5IV, Jolly, quickball, skill link HA, three females
Espurr: random 5IV, Bold, luxuryball, three males, one own tempo, two keen eye, trick egg move
Mawile: random 5IV, Adamant, pokeball, one female, two male, intimidate, suckerpunch
Eevee: random 5IV, Bold, nestball, all male, optional HA, wish and curse egg moves
Eevee: random 5IV, Timid/Calm pokeball, male, wish and curse
Eevee: random 5IV, Jolly, pokeball, male
Oh, and like three penta perfect male Espurr without their Hidden Ability (own tempo). It's turns out RNG doesn't mind giving me a female with the HA, but never a male, while the female didn't want the HA.