>>48042515You're able to stay calm in tough situations. People see you as a role model because of it
>>48042721You tell things like it is without sugarcoating it. But you also like to have fun and enjoy the present
>>48043000You are perceptive and spend some of your free time looking into philosophical topics. You also are active at gyms
>>48043025You're down-to-earth, and prefer practical solutions to a problem. That can make you sometimes stubborn however
>>48043115You have somewhat of an edgy sense of humor. You like your friends, but you ultimately like your time alone more
>>48043676You're a kind person and love to help others, but you are easily conflicted when you're given two choices with bad outcomes
>>48043778You don't like many people, but the few that you get along with, you think are the best. You're prone to sarcastic comments
>>48046542You're relaxed and enjoy being with a circle of friends. That circle view you as the 'prankster' of the bunch