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Mate, the pacing alone makes it the single best one yet by far. Hell, the only part I'd skip on a replay is the detailing for TCG Pocket for the same reasons.
They were 90% there to being the second to figure out why Nintendo Directs are as regarded as they are compared to other digital presentations following; they really trimmed the fat while giving a proper showcase this time for the mobile stuff without making everyone questioning why these aren't just investors meetings they can tweet about later, as they had felt like the past 2.5 years.
>>It's a trailer with 0 gameplay footage, just a movie trailer like this is a blizzard game
The one time Pokefags are giving this a pass is from (for once) actual goodwill courtesy of the Legends name, which is now confirmed to be the experimental mainline games compared to the standard new generations/regions and remakes. Once it doesn't meet their expectations, they'll once again remain skeptical and cynical, yet bedridden consumers, but until then they finally find a reason to have faith in this stupid series, especially with the history of Z and Kalos in general for this one game.
Hell, I'd argue this Presents is one of the only good ones, the other being the first one after the rebranding in June 2020, which this one easily beats out from the above.