Quoted By:
>Be young me
>Pokemon Yellow, first ever pokemon game
>Realize that just using a pikachu isn't gonna cut it going against Brock, I studied this shit I watched the tv show
>Think i'm so damn smart
>Get a really low level pidgey and low level caterpie don't even train a little bit
>Lose a good amount of times
>I'm coming after you Brock
>Pikachu faints
>It's on
>His geodude faints
>My pidgey faints
>I'm forced to send out caterpie, the one pokemon who's failed me more than the others
>Onix nearly has full hp
>String shot a few times
>Onix misses every time he attempts to attack
>Caterpie's throwing tackles around like Reggie White
>Onix fainted!
That caterpie later went on to defeat the Elite Four and beat the shit out of my rival. From that point I thought that I had caught the world's most powerful caterpie and I would always tell my friends about it.