I honestly want to know.
The series, the franchise almost EVERYTHING about Pokemon is shitty and there is honestly no nostalgia anymore. I remember being ripped off more so than I had fun with this series.
>played red/blue, but wanted more of an adventure like in both manga>played snap and it was shit>played stadium it was ok, more so a post game for r/b with no explorationnice battles though
>refused to play yellow because it was basically a mod>finally play gold and I was amazed at the mechanics>not getting crystal because I am not buying the same twice with dlc>refuse to get Stadium 2 because it's going to be the same shit as stadium> between the two year gap between G/S/C and R/S discover rpgamer.com and find out about other rpgs like Bof,FF,Arc the Lad, Dragon Quest, etc.>they are having adventures like in the anime and manga>Better monster game in Arc the lad, but no one played it here because it got to the USA too lateIt also had a far superior battle tower, 4 years before it appeared in crystal
>I wish pokemon was like this>I see R/S on display in toys'r'us and it looks like shit in comparison in comparison to other rpgs on the gba>say fuck it and buy ffta instead>a bunch of bullshit shill games like puzzle league, channel, trozei and dash releasedwhen other series have good side games and it isn't a minefield
>reused 64 models and shitty graphics in both gamecube titles>A few years later I try mystery dungeon and it's alright> want to give the series a chance again with D/P>get battel revolution included as a gift as well >Static sprites after mystery dungeon>bullshit natures?> invisible iv/ev grinding just to get a decent online battle?>say fuck it and turn my back on the series entirelyHonestly why do you all stick around?
Why keep getting disappointed?