I can't continue anymore, very sleepy, haven't gotten drops at all and barely made a dent on the way to SL4 for Hoops. Also the coins are draining really fast, thought I would spend like 60-70k at most but at this rate it will go easily over 85k or so.
That said goodnight /shuffle/, here's hoping tomorrow is a better day overall.
>>35891847It's more of an UX thing as there are stages that'll most likely not let you proc Spookify, won't go down even with burst with Spooky or will swamp you fast with disruptions, I'm thinking of stages like Hypno repeat, the Misdreavus and Mismagius repeats and such. Tested it earlier last week against Musharna UX and also with Bewear against other mons eariler and the whole strat of "delay-combo-delay-combo" seemed to work decently enough. Better safe than sorry for me and grinding it just in case it end ups being the best strat after all.
>>35891900Best would be something like M-Pinsir max candy with your Shot ghosts. If not then try M-Gengar and Accelgor (for Eject+ I think?) and a combo booster of sorts, you know, Typeless Combo or Phantom Combo if you have Lunala to get it done fast. Alternatively you could use M-Bee to get board control fast while using your strongest SEs, many options to be fair.