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>GC:Why was Black/White 2 on DS and not 3DS? Does that mean there’ll be no Black and White derivative made specifically for the 3DS? No Pokémon Grey, for example?
>JM:The reason it was released on the DS is that there are already a huge number of DS owners in the world and we wanted the biggest number of players possible to enjoy the game. And as it’s a sequel in a way it’s logical to put it on the DS, but equally it can also be played on the 3DS and there are, for those people that do want to play on that, exclusive features such as the Dream Radar where you can catch certain Pokémon. So 3DS users are catered for.
>GC:There are a number of elements in Pokémon that make it better suited to a Western audience than other similar games, things like the lack of focus on a typical Japanese role-playing story and the clever use of random battles. Was this a happy accident or where the games specifically designed to appeal to Westerners?
>JM:It was in our thinking about catering to the Western audience, talking to different people, thinking about different cultures and languages. And we also thought about the context of locations where people played. It’s quite different in Japan where some people play in school, or there are quite a few who play in the park or on the train on the commute. And the differences of where people play and the culture, people’s behaviour, was something we took into account when creating the games. And it’s something that we learnt from with past mistakes, and that was something we thought about when thinking about users in Europe or America as well.
>GC:With this game or the very first ones?
>JM: We started thinking about it around Ruby/Sapphire, when you could start trading with people from abroad and then from Diamond/Pearl there was Wi-Fi, so there was full online access.