OP here. Doing some rates.
>>33207355I've never touched a Monster Hunter game or a Dragon Quest Game. I feel like I'm missing out.
>>33206086I can't think of a funny way to complement your taste. Pretty solid either way.
>>33204445I've played Megaman Zero and Megaman X, but I've never even touched ZX. I've seen a lot of people talk about ZX recently. I blame Dookieshed.
>>33202258>>33199098Mother 3 is pretty great. I'm stuck on Mr. Genetor, though.
>>33206763That game was most of my later childhood. Top-tier taste.
>>33198538That sure does bring back memories of my tweenage/early teenage years. I remember dicking around in forge for hours at a time
>>33203087>Not 3>Not 4Pretty s
tellar taste, famalam.