Hey guys, majora here. I was asked to use a trip for this post. I'm ending the dilo survey now, I know it's 2 days early, and we are only at 60 votes, but there's no point in waiting the 2 days, we have a clear winner, with a .85 rating, none of the other 3 are above .2. Here is our dilo color scheme. As I have said before, the actual design in that image is incorrect, so here is the correct design next to it. If an artist can combine them, it would be apperciated. Pangolash submissions start now and end on march 25th.
https://www.surveymonkey.com/results/SM-XHCLTKL/Furthermore, here are 2 surveys I have been meaning to get out for a while:
Final fumi/noxial differences survey:
https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/8WTF8BMRoute 3/Farm/Forest survey:
https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/8S33P86Originally, I had intended for one last dilo survey, but I attempted to make some minor variants as the plan was for minor color differences, but I wasn't able to come up with anything that looked nice, so if you have an idea just submit it as a minor change I guess.
Also, I was asked to post this. This was something I typed of this morning, after giving everything that has happened some thought.