I have three new team members since I last updated, and have made no progress. Well, not NEW new team members. I already caught all of them, but they weren't battleready. The whole point has been to train up a new member to replace Jiggy... but I lost two friends in that process. Mark VII, I didn't train you for two long, but I honestly might have wiped at the psychic gymleader if not for pulling switch shenanigans with you to tank psychics. I wish I had known you longer, and I wish I was smart enough to not switch you into a wild Claydol. I'm sorry Mark VII, I underestimated a Claydol's tendency to fuck itself... and I forgot to never use a torpedo as a shield.
Majesty's death happened earlier, but... it saddens me deeply. More than I expected it to, actually. I don't think I realized how much I loved Majesty until I lost her to some STUPID KID WHO LIKES MAKING HIS POKEMON BLOW UP. That should be illegal, honestly.
I took a break as soon as I lost Majesty so I'm not 100% sure if this was actually what killed her, but it's the strongest memory I have and is my best guess. I remember it was total bullshit though. It hurt. You were my little special-tank staller, my toxic angel, my dad killer... my queen. And I didn't even realize you were my favorite team mate by such a long ways until you were taken away. I met you so early on, and we've been through so much, and I never really connected with a Dustox before (always preferring beautifly instead)... no disrespect to Filico, but you were a second starter to me. A friend I wanted to take all the way.
Well, time to defeat this fancy Juan guy or die trying.
>>34377450I haven't played X/Y, but real talk I'm glad I went back to nuzlocke Emerald because I thought the gen 6 RSE remakes were such a big letdown. I'm actually surprised ORAS still feels like such a downgrade compared to the gen 3 games, even when playing RSE now...